Letters from a Time Traveler: 9. Odd Day

Dear Sir Shiki,

You'd probably think me to be very silly if you could only see me now. Remember the day I broke down crying? The day I admitted how lonely I was? It was true, and yet here I am tearing up every letter I write just to try and disconnect myself from everyone. As much as I cherish all of the people I've written to, they aren't like me and they're better off moving on as I fade into the back of their minds as a distant memory.

But here I am contradicting myself. I couldn't tear up my last letter to you. It sits in my journal, untouched. Most often, I leave my written letters alone for a day or two before I crumble them up, but my last letter to you is now a week old and my heart sinks at the thought of tearing it up. What makes it any different than the others? What makes you any different?

Perhaps it's because you're a bit like me, or maybe it's just because I don't want you to forget me. But what even is the point? Whether I tear it or not, you'll still never see it. You'll never see me. I feel so frustrated right now I could just--

Dear Mother,

So, today has been a very odd day for me. Remember how I told you that I'm presently at a location where I'm learning how to use my powers? Well, something peculiar happened with them today. My bed exploded. I wasn't even in training and I blew my room to bits. I was just sitting at my desk in the room I'm staying at within the ODMA writing a letter when it happened.

I wasn't in any emotional distress I don't think... I was only writing a letter to Sir Shiki Tohno, a letter I didn't even have time to finish on account of the explosion I had to run away from. Have I ever told you that I met him? Yes, I met him. He's a different sort of fellow, but charming. He has the same aura about him as you and father have. He's special, and though I will never see him again, I'll always treasure having met him.

Speaking of individuals from your past, I've also met your friend Sophie. She seems very fond of you, and it was exciting to see her. She's actually staying here with me at the ODMA right now. But, ah, anyhow enough writing for me today. Perhaps I'll write again tomorrow, this time to someone I haven't addressed yet. I'm a bit wore out after the panic of destroying my room. I'll probably sleep with Sophie in her room tonight... until they've cleaned up mine.



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