Child of the Multiverse: Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Like my parents before me, I have been a part of the Murder Games. In fact, I was probably part of them before I was even really old enough to understand what a Murder Game was. I was still a little girl after I had experienced my first one, an eleven-year-old who wanted more than anything to go home like the others had after the game was over.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans for me.
It was so long ago, I can't exactly recall what I said, but I remembered saying goodbye to my dear friend Minato after the end of the Fiamma Incident without even the chance to finish my words before my uncontrollable power of teleportation whisked me away to another location. I was in awe when I arrived, finding myself back home in Arendelle--or so I thought.
Something wasn’t right.
From the moment I teleported away, I found myself face-to-face with a creature known as Hypno, a pokémon with the ability to hypnotize whomever it pleased. It was only later I would discover that a Hypno had been known to do this before...

...but what the residents of that world didn't know was that I wasn't the only child it had taken. There were five of us, all kept in a cave the Hyno guarded during the day. After the sun would set, however, and night would approach, the Hyno would guide us out of the cave and sent us into town to steal from and hurt people. We weren't even aware we were doing these things. All five of us were blissfully trapped in illusions, entirely lost in Hyno's spell. I was the first one to awaken.
On the day I awoke I remember the morning sun streaming into the cave where we were being held captive. I saw a bunch of children around me, lying asleep, and the Hypno itself standing outside of the cave. Remembering nothing about what had happened, I opened my mouth to ask either one of the children or the Hypno where I was only to be cut off by a voice inside my head.
"Don't speak Ilona. I'll explain what's going on."
I blinked, glancing around with a baffled expression as I tried to figure out who had spoken to me.

"So very odd! There's a voice inside my head! Who art thou?"
Again I would hear the voice.
"I'm a friend. I know your name because I've been watching your dreams. Like I said before, don't say a word and don't panic either. Everything will be okay. Just let me explain what's going on."
I nodded, waiting to hear what the voice had to say.
"You appeared in this world one day and were kidnapped by a creature called a pokémon. It's name is Hypno. It's kept you asleep in a dream world, under its spell. Its been using you and some other children to steal and do other bad things to the town nearby. But I found you and woke you up. I'm going to help you escape!"
I frowned, glancing to the other children. "Are you going to help them too?"
"I wish I could, but I can't wake them up like I could wake you. Their minds are not as strong as yours."
"What about me? I'm in here so I could wake them up..."
"No, don't do that Ilona. If you wake them up they'll only panic and catch the Hypno's attention. I can't talk to them mentally like I could with you to keep you calm. We will be able to save them, but you have to trust me and listen to everything I say. I'm going to tell you how you can sneak out of the cave..."
I shook my head. "N-No! We can't just leave them! I'll wake them up and they can escape with me! We'll all do it together."
"No, Ilona you can't! Please listen to m--"
I rushed toward each child, roughly shaking them by the shoulders. "Wake up, you've been kidnapped and we're going to escape! Hurry!" I told them, trying to keep my voice as quiet as I could. As each child woke up one by one, I immediately regretted my choice.
"Huh, where are we?
"This doesn't look like my house..."
"I'm scared, I want my mommy!"
The voice in my head had been right. The children began to talk loudly and even panic about their strange surroundings, catching the Hypno's attention at once. It menacingly ran towards us, shooting a beam of psychic energy forth from the pendulum it held. The children screamed, as did I.
It was in that moment, as if sensing that I was in danger, my power to teleport activated and sent me somewhere else. In the blink of an eye I found myself standing at a far distance, watching same cave I had been inside of only moments ago.
The Hypno attacked the children with waves of psychic energy. While it didn't look like much, the children screamed as if they were in great pain. Unable to bare the sight of this, I turned and ran. I ran as fast and as far as I could until my feet started hurting. It was then I spotted a sight of great relief: a town in the distance.
"Oh praise the Sun, it's a town!" I exclaimed, running toward it immediately.
"If I find some people, surely they will help these children!"
Breaking into my thoughts once more, I could hear the same voice from earlier.
"Don't go into that town, Ilona. These people will not welcome you!"
Ignoring the voice, I rushed into town and began to approach various people, to try and explain my situation. To my surprise, those I spoke to either told me to go home or to leave them alone. Eventually, I even ran into people who treated me worse.
"Wait a minute, isn't she one of the kids who's been going around robbing everyone?"
"You're right, she's one of those street rats!"
"She stole from me only just yesterday! Someone catch that kid!"
I took several steps back from the people, biting my lower lip as a small group of them suddenly surrounded me. When I tried to run they began to chase after me, some of them even pelting me with rocks and fruit. I was on the brink of tears when one of them finally caught up to me, grabbing me by the arm. Before I could even face this person, however, I found myself gone once again. My power to teleport had brought me a good ways outside of town, leaving my chasers far behind. Afterwards, I dropped to my knees and worked to catch my breath.

"M-Mother, Father, I'm scared. This place has a lot of scary things and mean people," I sniffled.
"I want to go home."
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