Letters from a Time Traveler: 2. Dear Father

Dear Father,

I hope that you are well, and that the Sun's blessings shine upon you! ...I'll admit it was difficult for me to write that first sentence to you. My faith in the Sun has always been strong, yet lately I find myself wavering. I question its existence. Is the Sun even there? If the Sun truly does exist, perhaps it just doesn't care for me. I've been faithful all my life. I prayed ever since I was a small child, I told others of my savior the Sun, and behaved in a jolly manner to spread hope and smiles to others. I've done all this, yet I've never received any blessings.

I feel that if I were truly blessed, I would've been allowed a stable childhood, friends, the love of you and mother, and a peaceful life. However, I've always been... alone. Even now, surrounded by others who intend to help me learn how to control more of my powers, I don't truly feel at home. They try their best to make me comfortable here, but I can't help feeling like an obligation, a burden to them. But, then again, I've never truly felt at home anywhere, have I? Forgive me for sounding so grim, father. It just feels nice to write these letters and to admit how I feel.

That being said, I've decided not to send any of these letters. Not to you, mother, or anyone. You'll never read these words, and I feel it's for the best. I'll never have an ordinary life, a life where I can be a true daughter to you and mother or a true friend to others. I'm different, and I've accepted that. So, I feel it's best I stay disconnected from those who are unlike me. I will still cherish people like you, old friends, and new friends, but I fear I will never stay in their lives for very long. I'll always be moving through the multiverse alone, never resting. When I've finished with my training, that's what I intend to do.

Fear not, however! I may sound grim, but I am not always sad. I've learned to cope with the situation life has given me, and the small empty space I feel in my heart. I only hope that I can once again feel strong faith for the Sun like I did when I was a child, and that one day I will never again waver. I love you, my dear father, and will never forget the times you carried me upon your shoulders when I was a small child. You carried me to your Sun alter and we prayed together. I hope that you're still praying, father, and that you will one day teach my little brother the same things you taught me.



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