Child of the Multiverse: Chapter 3
Chapter 3
I heard the sound again.
Involuntarily, another cry forced it's way out of my mouth. As fast as I could, I took off running deeper into the dark building, the sound of my anxious panting overshadowing any rational thoughts I had in my mind. In that moment, the only feeling I knew was fear. It took over me, causing me to run faster and faster until I crashed into a wall. The impact of my collision caused shelves over my head to wobble, their contents spilling down onto me. I yelped in panic, only calming when I realized whatever had hit me wasn't very heavy. They were soft plusies of various sorts. They were of creatures I didn't recognize, but as cute as they were, I hugged one of them to my chest for comfort.
"Sun, please help me. Sun, Please help me. Sun, please help me," I repeated squeezing the pink, plush doll as tightly as I could in my arms. I was still absolutely horrified, my legs trembling under me and tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I had just been attacked by two strange men, they had been attacked by something worse, and now I was hearing strange noises. I wasn't certain what kind of world this was, but so far I really didn't like it.
As I repeated these words to myself, I began to feel something in my arms start to move. As if the doll I had been holding became a weightless balloon, it began to lift out of my arms, floating in mid-air. I gasped and staggered back, cupping my hands under my chin. "O-Oh, dear Sun, save me from the evil spirit! B-Be gone, foul demon!" I exclaimed, so horrified my vision had even started to go blurry.

As I watched the floating doll, a purple creature began to materialize behind it--revealing that it was actually holding the doll. Only later would I learn that this invisible creature was a pokemon called Gengar, a playful fellow who was only trying to have a bit of fun. Regardless, I hadn't a clue this was its only intention at the time. I screamed in horror at the smiling pocket monster, my vision burring even a bit more.
"Gar?" the creature questioned, the smile leaving its face replaced with a look of concern. It opened it's mouth and reached out to lick me with a large, pink tongue as if trying to console me. I, however, did not take this pokémon's action as one of comfort. My knees went weak and my head light. It was in that moment everything went dark, my small body finally fainting from my stress.
I awoke later on the floor of a room I didn't recognize. Groggy, I slowly sat up, blinking my eyes before trying to look around the dark area. I appeared to be alone, and the room was absolutely empty. The only noticeable feature about the room was the walls. Upon them, drawings of a yellow, mouse pokémon hung on the walls. There had to have been dozens of them, child-like drawings colored in with crayons. I gazed at the drawings, almost mesmerized until I would hear a familiar sound come from behind me.
I turned around, spotting a small creature on the ground in front of me. Somehow, it looked like the pokémon in the drawings, yet it wasn't entirely the same.

"Kyu! Kyu!" it cried again, slowly inching closer to me. I gasped and backed up as far against the wall as I could, still rather skittish after all I had seen recently. The yellow creature stopped when I backed away from it, turning around the other way and leaving the room. I didn't have time to be relived, however, because moments later it returned pushing a basket into the room. It nudged the basket close to me and backed away.
"U-Um, what is this for?" I questioned, peeking down into the basket to see there were various berries inside of it. I sat on the ground, feeling my stomach rumble immediately upon seeing them. I couldn't even remember the last time I had eaten anything. "Are these for me?" I asked, barely able to contain myself from reaching out to touch one.
"Kyu!" the pokémon exclaimed, seeming to urge me into eating the berries. As hungry as I was, it didn't take much convincing either. I shoveled one after another into my mouth as fast as I could, little regard for how they tasted. After I had eaten my fill, I took a deep breath and glanced to the pokémon who had fed me.

"Th-Thank you so much, thine kindness is a blessing to me," I said, bowing my head to it. "Do you... have a name? I am called Princess Ilona of Arendelle."
"Pi... ka..."
I tilted my head thoughtfully. "Pika? You know, Pika, you scared me when I first heard you. Would you mind terribly if I called you Pikaboo?" I questioned, earning a vigorous nod from the little fellow. I smiled. "It's settled then. Pikaboo, you're the first friendly face I've seen all day. I do hope we can be friends."
"KYU!" it cried eagerly, as if it had never experienced having a friend even once in its life. It then happily snuggled close to me, extending an arm from under its strange costume to hug me with. I giggled, hugging the small creature back.
I stayed with Pikaboo that night, the small creature protecting me until the next morning. It was then we were awoken by the sound of another pokémon entering the back room.
"Kyu," the creature said, its voice sounding similar to Pikaboo's. I sat up from where I had been sleeping, rubbing my eyes before looking at it. The pokémon was much like Pikaboo, yet bigger. Before I could say anything to it, Pikaboo rushed from my side and snuggled up to the pokémon, obviously familiar with it.
"She must be your mother," I guessed, looking between the two pokémon. Other than the fact Pikaboo's mother was bigger than her, I noticed something else. The bigger pokémon had dried stains of... blood... on its pale yellow costume. The blood wasn't its own, yet I still had a feeling I knew where it had come from.
"Are you... the one who saved me from those Team Skull men before?" I questioned, watching as the pokémon would move closer to me. A black arm would extend from under its costume reaching up to gently pat me on the top of the head. I smiled. "It was you. Thank you... I owe you and your daughter very much."
From that moment on, the kind pair of pokémon watched out for me, providing me with food and protection. I knew at some point my powers would teleport me to a new location, so I didn't mind staying with them until that time would come. But even after a week of staying with the two, my powers never once activated. Instead, I found myself staying with them until... something horrible happened.
One night I awoke to a heart wrenching scream. I bolted up, gasping fearfully. Instantly, I looked to my protecters, the Mimikyu, but only saw that Pikaboo was with me. After a moment or two of processing the scream, a horrifying realization struck me. The scream had come from... Pikaboo's mother. What was going on?
"Kyuuuuu!" Pikaboo screeched in panic, only to be scooped into my arms. She tried to struggle in my grasp so she could run to her mother, but I wouldn't allow her to do so.
"Y-You can't go, Pikaboo, I think something bad is happening to your mother. I don't want you to get hurt too. W-We must proceed with caution..."
With shaking legs, I carried Pikaboo through the dark building moving slowly toward the place where the sound came from. My search ended up leading me to the front door where I would peer out its window to see a haunting, disturbing sight. Two men, the same men who had harassed me several days ago, stood above a bloodied, tattered mess of a pokémon... that had once been Pikaboo's mother.
"That'll teach it never to mess wid us again, yo. Let's go," one said to the other before they slowly moved off into the night. I only continued to stand there in shock until Pikaboo would jump from my arms and rush out the door, helplessly nudging her mother.
"Kyu, kyu, kyu!"
I staggered outside after Pikaboo, dropping to my knees. "Dear Sun, cast this illusion from my eyes, for this cannot be real. It just cannot! It can't be happening!" I shouted, crawling over to the mother Mimikyu, tears blurring my eyes. She was such a sweet creature. She had protected me for days now. She... didn't deserve this.
"I-I won't let her die like this. W-We have to save her, Pikaboo!" I exclaimed, suddenly wrapping my arms around the bloodied mess of a pokémon before me. I scooped her up and rushed into the forest, Pikaboo quickly trailing after me.
I sobbed as I ran, the tears in my eyes entirely blinding my vision as I charged forward pointlessly driven by my child-like longing. I knew in my heart that the poor pokémon was already... gone... but I just didn't want to even think something so sad could happen to someone in front of me. This wasn't a Murder Game. I wanted to believe that real life wasn't as hopeless and scary as one, yet I was quickly learning that sometimes existence in the real world can be just as cruel.
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