Letters from a Time Traveler: 1. Dear Mother

Dear Mother,

It's been so long since we've last spoken. How are you? I hope you are doing well, and that Arendelle is thriving. I just want you to know I'm doing fine, and that I'm sorry I haven't been home in so long. It pains me to admit it, but I've had control of my powers for quite some time, yet I'm embarrassed to return home regardless. I've let you down. I haven't become the princess, nor the young woman you hoped I would be. I do hope you forgive me for failing you as a daughter.

Admittedly, I did come home once. It was about a year ago on a cold, snowy night. I broke into the castle and wandered about, searching through some of the old rooms. They brought back a lot of memories and made me yearn to see you. I almost came to find you, but I stopped myself when I found my old room and saw a new child was staying in it. It was childish behavior on my part, feeling jealous of this new sibling I didn't know. I now regret having felt that way.

What's his name? This new brother of mine? I bet father is excited to have a boy. Perhaps this son will be a child that makes you proud, a prince worthy of someday ruling Arendelle. So long as he takes after you, I'm certain this will be so. Maybe someday I'll get to meet him if I can ever bring myself to come home. Until then, I hope he makes you smile and treats you the way a mother deserves to be treated.

I bet you're wondering when I may return home next. Well, I'm afraid it won't be for some time. Although I've learned to control my teleportation abilities, I have another problem to take care of. My powers run deeper, and are far darker than I had feared. I'm staying somewhere right now. Hopefully, in due time, I will learn to control these dark abilities so that they may not heart anyone and I can feel comfortable traveling once more. I love you, mother. I hope you continue to stay well.



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